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Yoga Begin
What is Yoga- for you. (3:17)
Before you Begin
Class Flow (2:19)
How Far to Go (1:20)
Yoga Props- use them! (2:08)
Set Intentions (1:25)
And Now we Begin ... Warm-ups and Seated Poses
Arrive in your practice (3:18)
Seated Poses- Warm-up (2:47)
All Fours (Cat/Cow, Childs Pose & Downdog) (4:06)
Transitions (Downdog to Plank, Downdog to Standing Forward Fold) (2:31)
Sun Salutations
Tadasana (Mountain Pose) & Half- Sun Salutations (3:33)
Sun Salutations A (3:41)
Standing Poses
Warrior I & Warrior II (4:45)
Triangle & Wide Angle Fold (4:40)
Balance Poses
Rooting down in Tree (3:10)
Hand to Toe (3:14)
Grounding Poses- Cooling Down
Pigeon Pose (5:07)
Bridge Pose, Legs up the Wall, Toes to Nose (5:34)
Restorative & Closing
Reclining Baddha Konasana (3:40)
Savasana (5:14)
Seated Poses- Warm-up
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